Nobody ever said miracles have to be pretty.
In all likelihood, the cure for depression is somewhere in the gut microbiome. The same is true of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, anxiety disorders, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and a host of other maladies.
One way we know this: in the few clinical trials that have been conducted, fecal transplant (where a healthy person’s whole stool microbiome is transferred to the GI tract of a patient) has shown startling efficacy in autism, Parkinson’s, and even alcohol use disorder—with sporadic case reports attesting to its value in other diseases, and more trials ongoing.
This suggests that these diseases are manifestations of an internal mass-extinction event, driven primarily by antibiotics. Current probiotics can not solve this problem, any more than sprinkling grass seed can fix the damage caused by a forest fire.
It also suggests that any healthy person has the power to cure those diseases. Yes, you. The power’s been inside you all along, and you’ve been flushing it down the toilet.
This space is meant to be part “owner’s manual” for your microbiome, part community forum for discussing the emerging science, and part call to action.
Get brownpilled
The title is literal. If you’re suffering from a chronic disease like the ones I mentioned above, if modern medicine has failed you and you’re truly desperate, I’m here to tell you: there is hope. Have the audacity to believe that the cure might be as simple as “poop”, and we’ve been missing it this whole time because nobody’s been crazy enough to try it. Get educated, find your healthiest friend, and—I mean this in the nicest way possible—eat shit.