As an experienced bowhunter I can attest to the experimental mindset that's necessary in order to balance and sight in arrows. Today they're made with carbon shafts – which means they're either perfectly straight, or they break. Few of the hunters I've met have scientific knowledge to back their trial and error – but then again, they're not making the arrows themselves. Flint-makers of prehistoric times also come to mind. Chipping the flint just so was an intuitive art more like craft than primitive technology. Dousing for underground water is another mysterious scientific phenomenon. As for religion, some of the greatest thinkers in that realm have built bridges between science and religion. In his book "The Great Partnership: Science, Religion & the Search for Meaning," the esteemed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks holds that "religion and science are the two essential perspectives that allow us to see the universe in its three-dimensional depth. Science teaches us where we come from. Religion explains to us why we are here. Science is the search for explanation."

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Ah such an interesting choice - copper, essential to all life on the planet yet much of its importance in biology is obfuscated. Since you work on gut - brain, take a look at the PAM enzyme. It requires 2 copper atoms to function and the enzyme is required to amidate 279+ peptides, many key neuropeptides. I’ve yet to speak to a doctor who has heard of it or copper’s importance. We were pushed to the Iron Age. Iron is the most toxic metal and we are led to believe we need more of it. Missing information......missing truth. Occam’s razor - copper depletion is killing. Glyphosate chelates copper with logarithmic preference compared to other metals.

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Fantastic. Put another way: making progress in *anything* fundamentally requires this type of thinking.

Progress requires new ideas. And new ideas can only be acquired by "fucking around and finding out." There is no science without magical thinking. In fact, there wouldn't be much of anything without magical thinking.

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